La Flor Más Grande del Mundo (2007)

Based on the novel of the same name by Jose Saramago, 'La Flor Más Grande del Mundo(The World's Largest Flower)' is a poetic juvenile story that proclaims the value of small actions and respect for the nature. Juan Pablo Etcheverry, who was nominated for the best Goya 2005 with the short animation' Minotauromaquia, Pablo en el laberinto', has begun again to fuse digital effects with plasticine. One of the characters in La Flor Más Grande del Mundo is actually Jose Saramago, who narrates the story.

This short film, full of symbols and enigmas, is aimed at the childhood audience that is growing in a world which has not yet being broken by individualism, violence and the lack of ideals. In this short film we can find two messages, one for children (the discovery of our value and altruism) and another one for all men and women who interrogate themselves about their place in the world.
You can watch the video here.

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