Man and Whale (校長先生とクジラ, 2007)

Greenpeace commissioned Yamamura to make Man and Whale (校長先生とクジラ) as a part of their campaign to end Japanese whaling. Koji Yamamura has only 2 minutes to get his message across and he does so with great subtlety and his usual attention to detail.
Today, only one country in the world continues to conduct whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary: Japan.There was a time in Japan during the food shortage hardships of the postwar period when whale meat was taken as a valuable source of protein. We are alive today thanks in a very real sense to this gift, so should we not reach out in gratitude to whales now and seek a path of peaceful coexistence?
You can buy Koji Yamamura dvd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grande Yamamura. Mi piace sia lo stile dell'animazione che la "storia", il modo in cui e' espresso il messaggio di rispettare le balene. E' come quando in una canzone si trova una bella musica ed un testo valido: e' il matrimonio perfetto.
They saved us, it's our turn now.