
E.S.U. is a comic strip created by Carlo Coratelli and Davide Zamberlan. They began to issue E.S.U. on Il giornale dei fumetti (Free Comics Club) in October 2000. In June 2001, Cronaca di Topolinia issued new comic strips of E.S.U.; while the old stories are reprinted on the website ComicUs (where Coratelli is also editor and writes the column Movie Comics) and on the web-zine Cartaigienica. After five years of publications, Zamberlan retired, and Coratelli continued to issue E.S.U. with Eros Righetti, who is the author of 20, a comic series issued on Antani Comics.
Carlo Coratelli issued other webcomics: Distretto 41 (with Raffaele Aversa) and John Sanders: Reporter (with Andrea Briganti).

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