A short animation featuring a spinning slice of bread by Jeff Scher with music by Shay Lynch. This was made for a gallery show of films and paintings about bread.
As an underground filmmaker, Scher uses lights, abstractions and visual effects all paired with music to create experimental short films. His films have been described as animated still life as they are made from various drawings in which the images change to trigger responses within the human mind. He uses his paintings and collages by overlapping the colors and textures to seem as if they are in fact “moving” in a hypnotic fashion. Images of influential behaviorists, Hermann Rorschach and Ivan Pavlov, appear in some of his films. The films are highly irrational in their juxtapositions, but this is the intention of the filmmaker. Scher wants his viewers to create their own stories from the visuals he provides.
He should submit this to the 2011 Tromadance festival. No entry fee, and this seems like the type of thing they'd be interested in. Check out www.tromadance.com, and if anyone speaks to Mr. Scher about this vid, please let him know.
A lovely, spirited film, fitting nicely with the July 4 holiday. I am glad you were not a literalist about the stars and stripes. Thanks for sharing. Many works of Canadian film pioneer Norman McLaren came to mind. His animated films are well-represented on YouTube.
I really like that kind of shorts because it is quite relaxing and you can enjoy yourself at most. Specially if you are drunk.
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