Oktapodi is a computer-animated short film that originated as a Graduate Student Project from Gobelins L'Ecole de L'Image. It was directed by Julien Bocabeille, François-Xavier Chanioux, Olivier Delabarre, Thierry Marchand, Quentin Marmier, and Emud Mokhberi.
Two octopuses fight for their lives with a stubborn restaurant cook in a comical escape through the streets of a small Greek village.
Two octopuses fight for their lives with a stubborn restaurant cook in a comical escape through the streets of a small Greek village.
I loved Oktapodi! There are so many nice animated short films if you just know where to look! Have you seen the one called "A Short Love Story in Stop Motion" by Carlos Lascano? It's by far one of my favorites.
Great short! Hilarious!
Nice short films, it is the first time have come across these.
I will be back for more.
I think this animation would leave a smile on every person’s face. I also liked the face impressions and the way the story is told. It is not a classic happy ending =)
Oktapodi is a computer-animated short film that originated as a Graduate Student Project from Gobelins L'Ecole de L'Image house Cagliostro E-Press. He also plays chess. He's in the national correspondence chess team.
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